Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Erosion Control

October 1st


The beginning of "rainy season".

This was the day that we had dreading

for months.

In fact, we almost didn't build

this year because of

October 1st.

Because we are in an environmental zone

and also a hilly historical landslide area;

we were required to finish all

"ground disturbance" activities

by this date.

Because of the city holdups,

this gave our G.C.

just two months

to finish all the work

you've seen on this blog.

We are happy to say

the excavation crew completed their work

on September 30th.

My new wheelbarrow.

In addition to completing ground disturbance,

we were required to cover

any exposed soil

w/ bark dust.

the bark dust absorbs rainwater

and slows the runoff which could

flow down the river,

and through the woods,

to the Willamette River it goes.

We ordered 5 yards of barkdust
and then another 5 yards
and still came up shy.
Spent the whole weekend
burning brush,
& spreading barkdust.
80 wheelbarrows up & down
a pretty steep hill
equals sore back.

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